"Magic is everywhere." If I could pick any phrase that could encompass Lynn Magikcraft and her stores, it would be that. I was drawn to her stores, Magic on 70 and Bull City Magic, as they felt like an endless expanse of crystals, jewelry, cards, herbs, candles, and every magical item I could think of. But, I was kept there by the community she has built around them; the hardworking mother and son duo, Justin and Mandy; and the endless world of magic that is Lynn.

There was an endless amount of jewels and other objects for me to photograph, but as I got to know Justin, Mandy, and Lynn more, I knew I wanted to focus on how they interact with the stores and the world of magic. When viewing my project, I hope people are charmed by Justin's goofiness; I hope people are amazed by Mandy's aura; and I hope everyone understands the true mystic that is Lynn. Photographing Magic on 70 has been an artistic dream (it scratched my maximalist itch). However, it has taught me so much about myself and the world of magic, and I know that everyone who views this, and especially myself, will be going about their days at least a little bit more aware of the magic that surrounds them.